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Our Services


A direct cooperation with London Stock Exchange, City of London and all kinds of investing banks

An incomparable advantage of raising capital in overseas

Our team of experts and consultants gathers the essences of financial circles of China and UK, including London Stock Exchange, Think London, City of London, advisers, securities traders, financial companies, law offices, accounting firms.

Listing and raising money in overseas through the Financial Service Center of ISMEUK, Chinese enterprises can jump over multitudinous intermediary advisory companies in the present Chinese market and face operators and executors directly so as to reduce the intermediate channels, enhance the efficiency, and reduce the cost.

The AIM advisors of London Stock Exchange specially directed against Chinese enterprises are about 20, which are all the members of cooperative experts team of Financial Service Center.

The Financial Service Center of ISMEUK is of course the most convenient bridge for the financial cooperation of China and UK with abundant international financial experts, rich international commercial resources,

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伦敦地址:Chilterns Middle Hill Englesfield Green Surrey TW 20 OJJ
电话:+441784 473298  传真:+441784 470265   E-mail: ipouk@sina.com
英国政府注册ID号:005930 驻中国广州外资代表处注册ID号:企外粤穗驻字第5275590 
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